My daughter was born with a port wine stain on her face, back, arms, and legs. I think most people have no idea what it is. Actually I didn’t know much of it until my doctor pointed it out. She told us that the red mark was port wine stain. Port wine stain??I searched online for more information.
・port wine stain is a type of hemangioma
・port wine stains won’t go away on their own
・port wine stains can’t be prevented and they’re not caused by anything a mother did pregnancy
The information wasn’t enough. I wanted to see the before-after photos. I had a lot of things I wanted to know, but Icouldn’t find them.
I’m hoping that by sharing my daughter’s progress photos and experience, I can help some parents whose child have port wine stains.
I take my daughter to the hospital for her laser treatment once a month. Port wine stains have faded, but we have a ways to go.
<photos about her right arm>before
laser therapy